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Pray With Us

"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem." This Scripture is certainly the most remembered verse from the Psalms and probably from the whole Bible. It is such a key verse for the Nations to remember and to help to understand the Father’s heart not only in the End Timebut also for today.

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Read Newsletters

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Wonderful Lord Jesus Christ!  As we look forward to our soon coming Saviour, I Thessalonians 4:13-18 , we have the privilege of "praying for the peace of Jerusalem, "  Psalm 122:6 should be ever present in our prayer life.  As we view the direction our world is heading...

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Donate Now

We encourage you to become a member of the To The Jew First Society, which is a 501c3 tax exempt non-profit organization. By helping us with $30.00/year donation we can take all money received and apply it to the project for which it was received.

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Our Mission

Our purpose is to challenge the members of the family of God to pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Proclaim the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah to all people. To serve as a channel through which believers in Messiah who are suffering persecution can be helped to reach out to suffering believers who are in danger and are being forced into poverty because of their faith. To communicate with committed and potential sponsors concerning specific areas of need which would benefit from their financial support. To distribute fund’s contributed by donor’s to help those who are suffering because of their faith.


End of the Age

The signs of the times are all around us and every well taught believer knows the time is short as to the coming of Christ for the Church and the soon Messianic reign of Yeshua as Messiah.
I Thessalonians 5:4-9

God's Call to the Church

The Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16 makes it clear that the gospel is God's power unto salvation to everyone that believes, then adds “To the Jew first” and this has never been rescinded.


Our Responsibility

The Apostle Paul was used by God the Holy Spirit to spread the good news of the Church. Many in the early days of the Church suffered greatly and this is simply a matter of history. In all of his travels the Apostle Paul only collected money for one group and that according to I Corinthians 16:3...read more

World Events

We are challenged in Psalm 122:6 to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem". In view of world events annd what is happening in the Middle East this challenge to pray is even more critical.

The Jerusalem Post reported that snipers from Gaza opened fire on Israeli civilian vehicles at the Yad...read more

Israel is God's Alarm Bell

The alarm bells of God's prophetic Word are ringing and it's time for the family of God to start listening. In our life time Israel has become a nation. The first time in human history a nation has been out of their land for 2,000 years and has returned to once again be a recognized nation by...read more

How to Help

Help comes through prayer and financial support from Members of the society.  In addition, membership dues will assist in the operation of the society with 100% of all additional gifts going directly to those in need in Israel.

Our Board

Committed to challenging others and spreading the word

Neil and Marjorie Horn


Dr. Norman and Peggy Mindrebo

Assistant Director

Tim Thomas


Christie and Tim Paul


Rev. J.R. and Lee Ann Moffit

David and Nancy Chance

Jim and Roseanne Crowell